With You In Every Step

The key to making the choice for
out of hospital birth

Educate Yourself

Giving birth Out of Hospital(OOH) isn’t for everyone, nor should it be for women who are more likely to have complications during childbirth, they should give birth in a hospital. I believe all women deserve whole care; someone who will walk through the labor, birth, and mothering process with you.

For healthy low risk women who choose a skilled and experienced Midwife, and a Midwife who has a good system in place for transfer to a hospital when necessary, studies show that giving birth OOH is safer than giving birth in a hospital.

There is also research showing that moms who planned to give birth OOH (regardless of if they transferred to a hospital) ended up with fewer interventions, such as episiotomies, c-sections, and drugs compared with a group of equally low-risk women who had planned hospital deliveries.

Things to think through before you make your choice:

  • If you choose to have a Home Birth it’s important to be flexible and understand that if complications arise, you might have to transfer your care to another provider or give birth in a hospital.
  • You’ll also need to be committed to giving birth without pain medication.
  • You’ll need to make plans to ensure that you have good support available to you in the days after you give birth.

Partners & Out of Hospital Birth

Many partners are skeptical or fearful about OOH birth before the event, but become the most enthusiastic supporters afterwards. Once they’ve seen an actual OOH birth (rather than Hollywood’s caricature depictions) and what their partner can do, given the time and education, they are always in awe of the simple beauty.

Birthing OOH just works better – for partner, for mom, for baby. After watching a woman labor well and undisturbed, it becomes easy to understand how disruptive traveling to a hospital and undergoing many unnecessary routines can be to a mom, baby, and the labor process.

OOH birth also allows for more freedom and involvement for a partner. Unlike in a hospital setting, OOH birth a partner doesn’t need to ask permission to get a cup of coffee or use the bathroom. If they are finding the labor to be an intense experience, and their partner can manage without them for a little while, being OOH makes it easier for them to find some space and spend some time alone. During long labors, it becomes more important for partners to get some sleep, which is also easier to do and more comfortable in their own space.

We honor and respect family however you define it. Whether blended, LBGTQ, poly, surrogate, adoption, etc., we work hard to provide your family with the best care, always.

Ready to start your home birth journey?